01-April showers bring May flowers 四月雨催五月花
02-One today is worth two tomorrows 今朝彌珍貴 莫待成蹉跎
03-The balance distinguishes not between gold and lead 大公無私
04-Everything must have a beginning 千里之行 始於足下
05-Love conquers all 愛情至上
06-The Faerie Queene 仙后
07-Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear 說曹操 曹操到
08-Let sleeping dogs lie 莫惹是非
09-None so deaf as those who will not hear 褎如充耳是真聾
10-We live and learn 生存與學習
11-Lovers ever run before the clock 真愛超越時光
12-Better to ask the way than go astray 與其迷路不如問路
13-East, west, home's best 金窩銀窩 不如自家草窩
14-Looks breed love 一見鍾情
15-There is no place like home 家是最好的
16-God's mill grinds slow but sure 天網恢恢 疏而不漏
17-Look before you leap 三思而後行
18-Forgive and forget 既往不咎
19-Any port in a storm 般遇風暴 不擇港口
20-You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs 有失才有得
21-Necessity has no law 情出無奈 罪可赦免
22-As you sow, so shall you reap 種瓜得瓜 種豆得豆
23-Nothing seek, nothing find 無所求則無所獲
24-Live and let live 待人寬容如待己
OVA-01 等待繁星之人(上)
OVA-02 等待繁星之人(中)
OVA-03 等待繁星之人(下)